About us

All Nations Solo started as a result of mum & daughter team trying to give dance teachers work in their classes with the end product of a fun competition but without the complexities of procedures, rules etc. The incredible styles of Ballroom, Latin & Classical are not always accessible to all students due to costs, partnerships & commitments. We have found the solution in this fabulous style which is a commercialised version of these 3 subjects providing great class content for dance teachers and allowing dancers of all levels to compete in a fun, friendly environment with the pre choreographed set routines for each style. Teachers- we invite you to try it- to build your business and enjoy the craft that has evolved and is the future in our industry. You can get in touch for help with class content or for working towards our family friendly competitions.

Jackie, Jess & the All Nations Team

All Nations is a new style that we introduced into our studio timetable in 2020. Teachers and dancers have loved this new Commercial style of Ballroom, Latin and Classical. This has brought new dancers to our studio and dancers that have never learnt Ballroom, have been amazed at how fun this style is. We are always looking for new styles to bring our dancers and this is the perfect addition to our studio. We are very excited to do the first competition and our dancers are loving the set routines and the music! Keeping us smiling and together in 2021.

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